Being the season of rebirth and new beginnings, there is no better time to refresh your home with a new coat of paint than the spring. Emerging from a deep and often dreary Canadian winter, spring gives you the opportunity to transition and set the tone for the coming warmer months and beyond.

When people think of “spring colours,” they naturally tend to think of a narrow palette of pastel blues and pinks. And while these are great options, there are many other colours you can use to reinvigorate your home for the brighter weather ahead.

So, what are the best paint colours you can use to refresh your home this spring? Find a list of our top picks below.

Spring painting colours to refresh your home

Pale Blue

Pale blue is most intuitively associated with springtime, so it’s no surprise that it’s first on our list. Light and calming, pale blue walls can give a space an almost dreamlike aura, creating a feeling of airy relaxation. Used in hallways or entryways, it is open and inviting, and in bathrooms can expand what is likely one of the smaller rooms in your home. It is also a perfect choice for a bedroom, making the space tranquil in the evening and energizing in the morning.

Pairing pale blues with whites or light browns are both excellent choices, such as white door and window frames or wooden furniture and hardwood floors, either one making a space feel like a summer beach home year round.

Light Pink 

As with pale blues, light pinks are linked to spring for a reason. These particular shades are always bright and full of life and are a perfect choice for many rooms in your home. Unlike darker shades of pink, soft, light pinks are not overpowering. Instead, they are subtle and versatile, and can fit with a variety of styles and decor choices. Light pinks in a kitchen, either on the walls or cabinets, can bring levity to the room, making the space bright and inspiring. It’s also a great choice for a home office, adding a sense of calm to what can be a stressful environment, while promoting a feeling of creativity. Light pinks pair well with other light shades, particularly with whites, or if you’re feeling more adventurous, light greens.

Light Green

Having just mentioned their cohesion with light pinks, it’s worth noting that light greens are also an excellent colour choice. Light greens provide a warm, welcoming feeling, and for this reason, are excellent choices for living and dining rooms. Whether you are having an intamine meal or relaxing after a long day, or are hosting guests at a dinner party, a light green in either or both of these rooms will create a vibe that is inviting and homey.

Along with light pinks, light greens also work well with other earth tones, such as browns or beiges, so a wooden dining room set or light brown sofas or chaises would really bring together either of these spaces.


Reminiscent of morning sunlight or blooming flowers, yellow is a great colour choice to add a bit of joy to a room this spring. For being a lighter colour, it can be quite bold, so keep that in mind when deciding how pale or deep you want the shade of yellow to be. If you are considering painting entire rooms yellow, lighter shades are recommended, and rich yellows reserved for accents. That being said, there is no wrong way to paint your home, and if you want to go bold with deep yellows, then go bold!

Yellows are particularly great for kitchens, being fun and uplifting, and can turn this room into a bright and stimulating place to be. Yellow is complemented beautifully with whites or greys, or light blues if you want an even more dynamic combination.


Whereas above we have talked about colours that are not only excellent choices for many rooms in your home but are also “spring colours,” we are now going to look at some modern painting trends that have been increasing in popularity recently, many of which might not remind you of spring. For this reason, it might surprise you to see black on this list, but trust us, a tasteful use of black can immediately modernize a home, making it a sleek choice as you move into the new year. For example, black and white kitchens – or “tuxedo kitchens” – have been making a major comeback, giving the room a feeling of a classic diner with a hint of sophistication. As well, in living rooms, black walls with a white ceiling, or even one black accent wall in a white room, can instantly transform a space into a chic lounge or give it the vibe of a Manhattan art gallery. Needless to say, this is a bold choice, and not for everyone, but it’s worth considering if you want a modern look for your home this spring.

Deep Green

Though we have been seeing more and more earth tones in nearly every room of the home recently, deep greens have been making a particularly big splash for people looking for a bold, new look that is still warm. For these reasons, a deep green is a great choice for the living room or bedroom. When combined with a rich, dark brown, such as wooden bedroom furniture or upholstered sofas or loveseats, deep green walls give a room an atmosphere that is luxurious and modern, while still being welcoming and natural, perfect for making people feel relaxed and at home.

Which Springtime Colour Will You Choose? 

Whether you decide to go lighter or darker, modern or more classic, don’t let the opportunity of a springtime home makeover pass you by. The professionals at Encore Painting can tell you everything you need to know about the painting process, offer advice about current painting trends that suit your vision, and then make it happen. We offer free painting evaluations  to all potential Encore clients, so there’s no risk in seeing what Encore can do to help bring your home to life this spring. Contact the professionals at Encore Painting today to get your free estimate.