When deciding what colour to paint a room, there are many factors to consider: What mood do I want for this space? What’s the purpose of the room? How big is it? How much natural light does it get? Each of these variables is going to influence what colour paint you choose for a specific room, and it is for this reason that it is generally uncommon to paint every room in your home one colour.

That said, like anything concerning interior design, it is all about personal preference, and maybe a single colour pallet is the right look for your condo. With this in mind however, there are few things to be aware of before you paint your condo all the same colour. Let’s check out what to pay attention to if you’re looking to paint your condo one colour, so you can decide if this is the right aesthetic for you!

Should I Paint My Condo all One Colour

What colour should I paint my condo?

If you want a more conventional look for your condo, with different colours throughout, check out our blogs Condo Kitchen Paint Ideas and Condo Bathroom Paint Ideas to see some modern trends for each of these spaces. If you do decide to go for just one colour, it’s important to choose a colour that will not only suit each room, but will be able to go with the accents and accessories that each room will offer. For example, if you are only choosing one colour, it must go with both your kitchen counters as well as your bed’s duvet.

Unsurprisingly, for this reason, light, neutral colours are a good choice, specifically whites, beiges, and creams. They are inoffensive enough to fit any room, while having the versatility to go with any accent colours. For instance, Super White by Benjamin Moore would go great with the green from plants in your living room, the deep brown of kitchen cabinets, and any number of rich colours from your bedroom’s linens and curtains. But this is just one example, and every condo is different, so take the time to look over your condo’s decor in order to find the colour that will match well with everything, but these light, neutral shades are a good place to start!

Should I paint all the rooms the same colour?

As we’ve discussed, though painting all the rooms in your condo the same colour is definitely an option, it’s important to understand the purpose that each of the rooms serve in your home, and how different colours will create different feelings in these rooms. You might want a feeling of inspiration and creativity for your kitchen, a sense of calm and relaxation for your bedroom, and a welcoming, cozy feeling for your living room, which will all be influenced by the colours you choose. Here are some general things to keep in mind: light blues and pinks generally create a feeling of relaxation, while deep oranges and reds are very stimulating. Browns tend to be cozy and welcoming, while blacks and deep blues can look modern and sophisticated. With this in mind, if you want some of the rooms in your condo to create different moods, you should maybe think twice about painting your condo all the same colour.

Hopefully this has given you some things to think about if you are considering painting your condo all one colour. But whether you decide to go for one colour for your whole condo, or a different colour for each room, contact the professional painters Encore Painting Ltd. in Toronto to get it done. With experience working with high ceilings and wood staining, delicate trim and walls of any material, our professionals have the equipment and expertise to bring the vision you have for your condo to life. View our full list of painting services or contact us today for a free estimate.