When dirt and dust accumulate on painted surfaces, they quickly appear dull and grimy. If left unchecked, dirt build-up can cause interior paint to crack or peel, resulting in a completely avoidable need to repaint your walls. Luckily, you can steer clear of any costly repairs by keeping up with regular washing.

Whether you’re tackling your yearly cleaning, or targeting a specific stain, washing painted walls can feel intimidating. But it doesn’t have to. When armed with the right tools and techniques, washing painted walls is a breeze. So let’s discuss everything you need to keep your painted walls looking fresh for years to come.

Protecting Your Investment How To Wash Painted Walls

Tools and Supplies

To properly clean your interior walls, you will need a few essential tools and supplies. A soft sponge or microfiber cloth is ideal for washing painted surfaces as it is gentle enough to avoid causing any damage while still being absorbent enough to remove dirt and grime. Keep a second microfiber cloth or dry towel on hand for wiping up excess moisture.

An old toothbrush or small brush is perfect for tackling the nooks and crannies in your door frames, window sills, and baseboards–this will help loosen any stubborn dirt particles before wiping them away with a dampened rag or sponge Finally, you will need a bucket of warm water mixed with a gentle liquid detergent–your regular dish soap should do the trick.

Techniques for Washing Painted Walls

The key to washing your walls without removing any paint is to be gentle. When washing with a sponge or microfiber cloth, always scrub in circular motions rather than back and forth so that you don’t create streaks on the wall. Once you have completed washing the surface of the wall, rinse it off with a slightly damp cloth to ensure any remaining soap residue is removed.

In addition to the technique you use, the type of paint you use also matters. Using interior paints with glossier finishes such as semi-gloss or satin can make it easier to keep your walls clean. These glossier paints offer a surface that is better at repelling dirt and dust particles than paints with a matte finish.

Removing Stains From Painted Walls 

Removing stains from painted walls is pretty simple. There are a variety of cleaning products designed for this exact purpose however, you may want to be mindful of using any harsh chemicals as these can cause discoloration on painted walls over time. An easy solution is to make a paste from baking soda and water or dip your cleaning rag into a small amount of hydrogen peroxide and gently dab the stain.

By following the best practices outlined above, you can ensure that your painted walls remain in excellent condition for years. Regularly washing with mild soap and water will help to remove dirt and grime while avoiding damage to the paint itself. With a little effort and dedication, you can maintain beautiful, well-painted walls throughout your home. But, if the time for cleaning has long passed, don’t hesitate to reach out to Encore Painting so we can give your home a little refresh. Fill out our contact form today and receive a home painting quote Toronto today.